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RF Foundation: New Zambia project

The Roger Federer Foundaton is expanding its activities and starts a new program in Zambia. Our local partner organization is the very experienced NGO People's Action Forum, active in Zambia since 1994 and winner of the renowned International UNESCO Literacy Award in 2008. Together we will increase the quality of education in over 40 community schools in remoted and rural areas. With this engagement the Roger Federer Foundation is strenghtening its efforts in the region of Southern Africa.

Involvement of the Roger Federer Foundation

In August 2011 the Roger Federer Foundation committed to a three-year partnership with PAF. The programme´s goal is to improve the quality of education on primary school level in seven rural districts of Zambia. As the government often can not make education available to the people in these areas, the communities themselves run so-called community schools. The project supports and strengthens these initiatives. The total budget for the period August 2011 to August 2014 is CHF 600,000. The following measures are planned for the first project stage over the next three years:
  • 30,000 primary school pupils will receive access to good quality education. This will be the case in regions where to date not all children can be taught on an equal basis.
  • The quality of education at 41 so-called community schools will be significantly improved by a diverse package of measures (infrastructure, materials, management etc.).
  • 500 teachers will receive regular professional training and will be instructed and motivated in child-friendly teaching methods. 
  • Particular attention will be given to improving management and governance at schools. To this end, 2000 responsible persons on all levels will receive further training to raise awareness for quality and accountability.
  • Only parents who are aware of the necessity of education will support their children on the arduous path to education. Therefore 5000 parents will receive further training and will be taught literacy skills.
  • Parallel to the activities in the communities PAF will make both the district and national authorities aware of its methodology and promote the national expansion of the programme.
  • The programme will start with a baseline study to assess the current status and will be evaluated at half time and at the end.
Date: 19.08.2011, Source: RF Foundation

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