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Nirmal Balaji: Proudest moment in my life #RF287 tee shirt

To celebrate Roger Federer's 287 weeks as World No. 1, Roger requested Nike Tennis to a make him a custom "RF287 tee shirt" and 10 another RF287 tee shirt for 10 of his best fans in the world. So Nike Tennis made 11 RF287 tee shirt in total. These will NOT be sold. One will be for Roger Federer itself and remaining 10 will be gifted to his 10 best fans in the world. So these are pretty special.

I'm so glad that I was selected as one of the 10 best Roger Federer fans in the world by Roger Federer and Nike Tennis. Nike Tennis have contacted me about this on 20th July 2012 by email and requested my address to send me one RF287 special tee shirt. When I looked at that mail I was wonder whether I was in a dream or in real life for a moment.

This is the proudest moment ever in my life for sure. Being selected as one of the 10 best fans by my Idol Roger Federer itself is the greatest honour I have ever earned. What should I expect more from him? Thats the most prettiest moment too. I was a fan of him since I was 13 years old. Supporting and watching him for more than 8 years and I will do it for rest of my life till I have breathe.

Nike Tennis said "We hope to have continued support from you and your fan club and to keep building a relationship."

Best regards,

My works regarding Roger Federer:
Date: 2nd August 2012

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